About Me
I now am the Research and Development manager at Karang Foodie, a start-up in Singapore that breeds black soldier flies for aquaculture feed. Singapore is the largest city I have ever lived in, and I love the cultural diversity, activity, and heart of the island.
I grew up in the small agricultural town of Breckenridge, Michigan. From a young age, I have been passionate about insects and started collecting them around age 6. I still collect them and my insect collection has grown to encompass thousands of species from across the United States. By age 15 I had started collecting insect pets including spiders and praying mantids and decided to start raising crickets to feed them.
Above Image: Nathan, age 8, collecting insects near his house
In my research about building cricket farms, I discovered that insects are a sustainable source of protein for humans as well as animals. This discovery set the trajectory for the rest of my life. We are not living in a perfect world; millions of people are suffering from a lack of food, and agriculture is a major contributor to deforestation and greenhouse gas production. Edible insects combine my passion with a problem in the world and allow me to tangibly improve lives while working with something I love.
In May of 2022 graduated from Cornell University where I studied insects. My education was geared towards understanding insect biology, market forces, and the entrepreneurial landscape necessary to understand and advance the edible insect industry.
I also have extensive experience and knowledge with beekeeping, mycology, and public speaking.